JyiiU manqool, moved, narrated. Icutub, a book, epistle, letter. Imi salaha, he pillaged, stripped. Az 'ilm en-nojoom, astrology. I also added some colloquialisms, and a few military and scientific terms. arabic madhaha

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CJIall Ac 'ilm el-falaJi, astronomy.

Translation of "I showed them" in Arabic

Jiicl inkhala'a, it was sprained, stripped. Distinguish this from khashah, timber. J-cl asliy, fundamental, cardinal, radical.

arabic madhaha

Jk J hareed, official name for the postal service; express, courier; four leagues. Ji-U mdkhaz, place of taking, source, manner. Jc or jjc a'zara, he blamed.

Saj or tioj nafada, it disappeared, was consumed; he escaped, saved himself. JijviJ tashwcesh, a throwing into disorder ; syphilis.

arabic madhaha

Lisas, gums of the mouth. Ssj raqqada, he planted slips or shoots. JAc 'aqada en-nikdh the priest tied the marriage knot, solemnized the marriage.

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JL a'liy, noble, high; Ali. Juio tashannaja, he was in con- vulsions. Jij naqara, he drummed; hol- lowed out, pecked at. J daum-dr, a round place or enclosure ; block of farm build- ingS; out-houses.

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Icjuwl Asioot, a town and province of Upper Egypt. JyiiU manqool, moved, narrated.

arabic madhaha

Li J forda, notch, inlet. JlJo- liadaq, aubergine, solanum coagulans.

JJ ndyim, asleep, sleeping. JU' alildn wa salddn, wel- come!

Uj J Turayyd, xrabic Pleiades ; chan- delier. Evidently a corruption of phosphorus and hibreet, sulphur. JSlifaldJil, bean paste, condiment. Okj hadda, lie dispersed. Uai nadddra, spectacles ; telescope. L jljus fantdzia Italianfantasia, a public show, rejoicings. J bin, or ihn, sou, ly: I I 8JJt - Ick. Ji Idma, he repaired, joined the pieces together. Ijtifljl el-qol a' a, the citadel of Cairo.

Jai' qattara, he distilled. AcU qd'yid, a sitter, seated, sitting down. IjkAu t Jt J dahaha sooddn, it went wrong, was futile, in vain. Ui jltayya, he set up a staff, flag, limit. Hi' irtM, it followed, came next.
